Don’t miss these icons appear on the taskbar in your windows pc
Which version operation system are you use? It is windows 10 or windows 11, don’t worry about that. Don’t miss these icons appearing on the taskbar your pc even if you work with what type windows version . Power(battery icon) Power is your device battery setting. When you are busy with your pc such as video gaming, writing., If you couldn’t see the battery performance, may be your device power off and black your screen. If you are not able to check the battery status immediately when you are busy with your computer, you will face many problems. Your pc will instantly deactivate because unable to check your battery status when you work. It will bring many disadvantages to you as well as your pc. Unsaved files will be deleted because your pc power off due to battery performance very low. Frequent occurrence it will cause the health of your pc to deteriorate. Therefore, it is essential to have power icon on the taskbar of your pc. Then you can change the power mo...