How to eligible to activate Blogger Earning Tab and Creating an AdSense account for Free Domain Blogger

Blogger is free domain and hosting provider platform for build websites. It gives a chance to sign up AdSense using their free domain. But you must be eligible to activate blogger earning tab through publishing quality blogposts. 

Tips for publishing unique contents

  • Must be not copyright content
  • Grammarly correct content
  • Giving knowledgeable content
  • Easy to understand.
  • Translatable
  • SEO friendly contents

Some blogger site owners says it is difficult thing AdSense sign up using blogger free domain. But I was be able to activate earning tab easily through publishing few posts for AdSense sign up. If you can publish articles related  about technology or any other field according to above tips., there is a big chance that the AdSense sign up through will be activated earning tab.

  1. How to know if you have eligible for sign up AdSense?
  2. create your AdSense account

    When you click earning tab on blogger dashboard you can see message with a link for create AdSense account. Then you can sign up for AdSense. But eligibility to apply does not mean AdSense approval on your website, it simply means only qualifies you to apply for AdSense.

  3. When your blogger’s Earning tab activated, how-to sign-up AdSense newly.
  4. Click on “Create AdSense Account” button and then you can choose an email for sign up AdSense. If you do not have an existing AdSense account must choose and click on blogger email account for sign up AdSense. It will be your new AdSense account.

  5. Follow AdSense registration process.

  6. When you went to AdSense sign up page, you can see an incomplete information page with your personal data. You can fill it easily. Select “YES” for the “Get more out of AdSense”. Next select your country and read term and condition. Finally, you can see “Create Account” button and click on it.

    Note: IF you select false country, you can’t change your selected country again. So, choose the country where you live.

  7. Fill in your payment address details.

  8. The next step is filling your payment address details. Enter your true valid postal address for this. You can not change these details until your account activated.

  9. Successful AdSense account creation

  10. IF the process of creating your AdSense account is successful then you have been sent a code to your AdSense access email. IF you sign up to AdSense using the blogger Earning tab, Blogger system will add the AdSense code for you. You don’t need to paste it your website header. Now you will need to wait for the AdSense account to be activated. It will usually take few weeks.

  11. How to solve  when not active site tab in your AdSense account for add your site?

    site not active

    Your AdSense account and website is new and fresh may be causing the site tab to become inactive in your AdSense account. You should not be discouraged by this. So you can continue to create and publish your  contents without waiting. After about two weeks, you may be rejected by AdSense because not list as a site. So you must not worry about and you can reapply easily for AdSense. After several times rejected  site tab may be can active in your AdSense account by AdSense ,but you have to keep creating quality contents. It is normal for AdSense to succeed after failing several times.

    add site for adsense

    If you can’t wait until above method succeed; you will be able to activate the account immediately through create AdMob account. I can not guide you because have didn't experience this method. If you want to follow this method, you can find information about that searching on YouTube or another search engine.

    However, if you succeed in using one of the above two methods, you can proceed to next step.

  13. Fixing the “AdSense doesn’t know about your blog” problems.

  14. When you click on blogger Earing tab you can see two messages. the second message is “AdSense doesn’t know about your blog”.

    How to sign up AdSense Blogger

    The second message will mention the name of your website then select and copy it .After click on “Go To ADSENSE”. Then you can go to AdSense page and click on site. Click on “Add sit” button and paste your website.

    After adding your site, you must click on "Request Review" button. Now you are fixed "AdSense doesn't know about your blog" problems.

  15. Waiting for AdSense to review your blog

  16. Now you have completed your blogger AdSense sign up process. You will need to wait for few days or few weeks for AdSense to review your blog completely.  If your site will be qualify , can be advertise on your blogposts. Do not give up hope  about AdSense approval process and keep going continue your blogger  site well.


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