How you can free up space without resetting your pc?

Lack of hard disk space in your pc can cause a lot problems for your as well as your desktop. You will not be able to download the required software's, files ,videos, on your computer because not enough storage your pc. If you are using a windows operation system and your computer doesn't have minimum  storage on your device to get new update provided , your computer will be slow , causing freezes and crashes. There are various reasons for the lack of space on hard drive. Downloading apps, software ,files, pictures and videos over period will cause for hard drive to runout of space. The major causes for hard drive completely full are various malware and virus. How to check  hard drive space you're using? When you are running slow, you don't need reset your pc. This article helps to you find out how much space you have been using easily  clear out files that you are longer need. yo can use various methods for how you can free up space your hard drive. Try and follow these methods.

Microsoft windows 10 storage.

You can  see  details how much get space in hard drive by various files. For look this first you click on "System" in setting for go storage. Then you can see storage in storage settings, you can see how much hard drive space you're using overall as by category, like apps, system files, document, video, pictures, and music . Now you can take a decision what like pictures  and video do you remove in your pc.

How to remove unwanted video and pictures?

When you go storage, you can see video and pictures. Then click on video, you can see "view pictures" and click on it . Then you can delete unnecessary videos. Using these methods, you can also delete pictures.

Delete temporary files

When you turn on Storage sense, it will be deleted unnecessary files automatically. But you cannot wait to do this , you can manually delete temporary files. 

When you click on temporary file folder you can see remove button and click on it. Then you can delete manually temporary files. But you must be careful because some of your files may have been deleted, which may be cause problems for your pc.

Use the Disk Cleanup Tool.

You can use Disk Cleanup tool for clean your hard drive. When you type “disk clean” on search bar you can easily open disk cleanup tool. It selects some unwanted files automatically and then you can delete teem. But You can select which temporary file you want remove in your pc. If your pc has old version windows file, you can remove them using Disk Cleanup tool. As well as you will be need to  get administrative permission to delete some special temporary files.

Note: When you delete your unwanted file using the above tools, some of your important files will be remove. Then if your pc may be some problems, you can use command prompt to repair your missing files.

Clean download folder

When you open “This PC”, You can delete unwanted old download video, files, pictures, etc. in download folder.

Delete browsing history

Google chrome and Microsoft edge are using lot of people to do their woks. There are searching history may be not delete long time. When you delete your pc browsers history you will be able to increase your hard drive space little bit.

Uninstall unusable apps

Some apps may be auto downloading your pc and you don’t need them you can uninstall them using setting app in windows pc. first you need to go setting and clock on “apps”. then you can select unwanted app. you can see uninstall button and click on it for uninstall Some app and file you can uninstall using control panel.

Delete diagnostic data.

You can delete diagnostic date that Microsoft has collected about your device. First you click on “privacy “in setting. Then you can see “Diagnostics and feedback” and click on it. Now you can see delete button and click on it.

Remove virus and malware

 If your hard drive not enough space, your device may be have virus. You can use "'Virus and threat protection" to remove them in your windows pc. First you need to click on “Update and Security” in setting. Then you click on “Windows Security” and click again on “Open Windows Security” button. Now you must click on “scan option” and You can choose various method to remove virus using scan option. Some malicious software can be particularly difficult to remove from your device. You can select Microsoft Defender offline for find and remove them.

Now you have some idea how your pc hard drive space increase without lost your important files. You don’t need to reset your pc for free up hard drive space because you can use above tips for increase your hard drive space. Above tips are not damage your pc hard drive.


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